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Charity News

Love, care and treasure the elderly people in the society.

By October 4, 2019 2 Comments

Offering care means being a companion, not a superior. It doesn’t matter whether the person we are caring for is experiencing cancer, the flu, dementia, or grief.

If you are a doctor or surgeon, your expertise and knowledge comes from a superior position. But when our role is to be providers of care, we should be there as equals. Red Cross has identified grandparents aged 75, and 85 looking after their disabled grandson aged 16 years old. His mother passed when he was 1 year old. Madala tries his best to keep his grandson active. The family lives far from nearest clinics. We appeal to the public, to help the way they can to support the family. You can contact Eastern Cape Provincial Office: Caroline Gallant on 041 585 6745/cgallant@redcross.org.za alternatively contact Red Cross Admin redcross@redcross.org.za

Your support will be highly appreciated


  • Ronel Jackson says:

    Thank you for the great work that you all do at the Red Cross Hospital. I am 58 years old. Live a very healthy lifestyle. Active and very presentable, eager to learn and make a difference, does not matter how small. Live life to the fullest. Do park runs and participate in all community activities, whenever it is possible. Children, disabled and elderly people are my most concern. In this industry since 1981 and still going strong. I wrote my Frail care SETA exams and received one certificate and await my other one from Pietermaritzburg. I dream of the day that I can walk in the Red Cross hospital and be part of the wonderful team and uplift a spirit here and there. Any possibility for me to enroll as a staff nurse? Pediatric or Elderly frail care?
    I am from Nigel Gauteng and want to turn the page over and start a brand new life in the Cape. Will pay my own flight ticket to you. Be blessed.
    Phone number 060 607 3168

    • Sarieta Schultz says:

      Hi Ronel

      We apologize for the delayed response. We have had some technical issues with our website.

      The South African Red Cross Society is not affiliated with the Red Cross Children’s Hospital. For that you can go through the Children’s Hospital Trust here: https://www.childrenshospitaltrust.org.za/the-hospital/
      You’ll find their contact details as below.

      Tel: +27 (0) 21 658 5111

      Fax: +27 (0) 21 658 5006

      Email: rxh.rxhpro@westerncape.gov.za

      Thank you for your passion and willingness to help. We hope you will be successful there.

      Serieta Schultz
      SARCS Communication Manager

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