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Charity News

Take a Pledge for Child Protection Week 

By May 28, 2019 No Comments

Child protection statistics in South Africa paint a troubling picture: high proportions of our children are victimised by violence; at least 40% of  reported rape cases involve children; last year more than 2,600 children were murdered.

National Child Protection Week will be observed in South Africa  during 27 May and 2 June 2019 for raising awareness about the rights of children.

The South African Red Cross Society (SARCS) works with community leaders, teachers, parents and guardians around improving and securing children’s rights. We believe that in order to improve society, there has to be a change the mindset of  elders towards children.

SARCS recognises that a majority of children in South Africa especially from impoverished communities, do not have access to quality early childhood development programming. We have established a number of Model Crèches and Preschools across the country, to meet children’s physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development areas.

To commemorate the 2019 Child Protection Week, our Vereeniging branch office  in Gauteng Province will be hosting a series of community awareness and support programmes during the month of June, specifically targeting Emfuleni, Sebokeng, Midvaal and Lesedi districts.

“This partnership between SA Red Cross and the national Dept of Social Development, Fire Brigade, Eskom, Chubb and Santam insurance will go a long way in promoting the rights of children, and ensuring more responsibility from parents and care givers,” according to Red Cross Vaal area manager, Princess Hewana.

The South African Red Cross is also guided by the IFRC Child Protection Policy, which provides a framework for ensuring that children are protected from all forms of abuse and exploitation during emergency and aid relief operations.

For more information or interviews, please contact: 
Adv Mothibedi Panyane, Board Chairperson, Phone: +2783 371 9841
Ms Lindel Papiah, Acting CEO, Phone: +2783 395 9894, lpapiah@redcross.org.za

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