The South African Red Cross Society is on a mission to provide the much needed skills but yet not seen as vital by many communities. Sponsored by the Belgian Flanders Red Cross S.A Red Cross will be training over 2500 community members with First Aid using the well researched and scientifically proven techniques and methods. This training is in line with the Global First Aid Reference Centre based in Geneva. Red Cross internationally is known for its First Aid services and disaster management provision. We are proud to say so far we have reached over 1200 young people and largely women with this skills. Although in South Africa most of the First Aid market rely on Red Cross FA books for skills transfer they are other role players such as the HWSETA and SAQA responsible for quality assurance and content development. FA procedures and principles are bound to change and further developed informed by research through GFARC and other role players in the FA field. SA Red Cross participate in developing such principles and procedures at a global level. We are delighted to say communities we train will receive training based on recent and informed procedures and skills