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Charity News

Registration open | Register for 2019 intake now

By January 22, 2019 No Comments


South African Red Cross Society recognizes that early childhood is a crucial period for growth and long time development in a persons life. A majority of our children in South Africa do not access quality early childhood development programming. Thus in line with our strategy of Saving Lives and Changing Minds, SARCS strongly promotes holistic care and services for our youngest citizens.  We have initiated Model Crèches and Preschools to meet the children’s physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development areas.  In supporting young children’s development rights to protection, survival and development our creches constitute:

  1. Safe and Secure Infrastructure
  2. Quality age appropriate play stimulation programmes incorporating literacy, numeracy and lifeskills.
  3. Health, Water Sanitation Hygiene Practice, Psycho Social Support Programming.
  4. Nutrition programmes.
  5. Access to a wide range of outdoor and indoor educational toys and equipment.
  6. Small classes.
  7. First  Aid Trained teachers

Our daily learning programmes are outcomes based and in line with Department of Education and Department of Social Development norms and standards.

The Income generated from the Model Crèches and Preschools are ploughed back into rendering services for HIV and AIDS as well as Tuberculosis patients.

This Model Creches and Preschools are available in the following towns.

  1. Port Elizabeth
  2. Vereeniging
  3. Daveyton
  4. Benoni

Start your registration process by contacting your nearest branch Port Elizabeth – 041 585 6745  , Vereeniging – 083 498 4124 , Daveyton – 073 631 5823 , Benoni – 078 634 6682.

Get more details on SARCS APP – www.sarcsapp.co.za

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